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Supported by Sacred Places


Fortuna Desperata

Arnout Malfliet & Alicia Soto


Quante Volte

Noémie Schellens & Nathan Jardin

Fortuna Desperata - Alexander Agricola

Alexander Agricola is a Flemish composer of the Renaissance.
Born 1446 in Ghent-Belgium - died 1506 in Valladolid-Spain.

In 1500 he Alexander took a position with Philip the Handsome, who was Duke of Burgundy
and King of Castile. He accompanied the Duke on his travels through his empire;
by this time he was one of the most esteemed composers in Europe.

He was in Valladolid, Spain, in August 1506, where he died
during an outbreak of the plague on August 15 of that year.

His music is often very busy and extraordinarily detailed, with repeated sequence,
repetition of terse rhythmic and motivic units. His music was very highly regarded
in its day, the very distinctive style leading to one contemporary commentator
referring to it as "crazy", and another as "sublime".

TAC Festival

‘Fortuna Desperata’

Patio San Benito


El Patio de la
Hospedería de San Benito

The identity and history of the location is our base to create the site-specific project “Fortuna Desperata”. Elisa Fernández Alcalde of Valladolid is assisting us to find a historian from Valladolid who will  help us with the historical background of the patio San Benito. A theatrical lighting will create the right atmosphere.

“Fortuna Desperata”

Alicia Soto, a choreographer and dancer of Valladolid, will create a choreographic “Carthographia’ of the historical site. Arnout Malfliet  is a Belgian conductor and singer, specialised in old music. The musical connection in our performance is the music piece ’Fortuna Desperate’. A composition of the flemish composer Alexander Agricola, who died in 1506 in Valladolid.

IC Zoetrope Mi30

Interactive video wall

'Fortuna desperata' is on a historical site, old music, classical solists and choirs ... The design, the look of the performance is very contemporary. The work of graphic designers and video artists. are mixed with live- and recorded and Interactive images These are shown our Zoetrope Mi30, a interactive Light Wall of 30 meters long and 3 meters high. It consists of vertical video lines.


“Quante Volte”

Noémie Schellens sings Monteverdi, Bellini, Purcell and  Rachmaninov. Together with contemporary dancers Nathan Jardin and Peter Devuyst they complete the historical musical journey that we want to present in “Fortuna Desperata’.

Local Choirs
of Valladolid

‘Fortuna Desperata’ is a made-to-measure project for TAC Valladolid. We believe in local participation. We want at least three local choirs in the performance. Arnout Malfliet will guide them trough the different versions of Fortuna Desperate: the voices seperatly, the three choirs together and in combination with one or both of the singers.


"Fortuna Desperata" is the name of our proposal.

It is the creation of a made-to-measure project for Valladollid.
The site-specific performance will be performed at the Patio San Benito.

It will be a non-stop-performance, the public can join the performance at any time.

Our proposal is based on the interplay of five strong elements:

1.  The site with his identity and history.
2.  The musical elements of Fortuna Desperata, and the coöperation between Alicia Soto's & Arnout Malfliet.
3.  The INDIVIduo Quante Volte with one classical soprano and two contemporary dancers.
4.  Local choirs of Valladolid are integrated in the project.
5.  Last but not least, the contemporary look by the images of grafical- and video-artist
      on the Zoetrope Mi30 Interactive Light Wall.

Patio San Benito

   - INDIVIduo Quante Volte
   - Choir
   - Theatrical light
   - Zoetrope Mi30,
     the interactive videowall

‘Fortuna Desperata’
Alexander Agricola

Click play
to hear
Click play
to see

Quante Volte

in combination with architectural lighting

Click to visit pageINDIVIduo_QuanteVolte.html
Click to visit other LIght Installations
Click play
to see
Take a look at 
our Zoetrope 9b

Created for 
City of Light Festival 
Hasselt, oct 2013