Sacred Libraries,
een bibliothekenparcours
tijdens Kulturama te Leuven

Description: Visitors can discover 7 libraries who are normally closed for the public. The libraries become 'Public Spaces' for one day.

While they visit the libraries, there will be improvisations between artists who read books, musicians, dancers, streettheatre and puppeteers.

Five Streetopians come to Leuven. They will give workshops on Thursday, Friday and Saturday.

During these workshops, they create the interactions together with local artists ...

How can you participate: you can join the workshops and the Improvisations on Sunday.

Dit project werd gefinancierd met de steun van de Europese Commissie. De verantwoordelijkheid voor deze publicatie (mededeling) ligt uitsluitend bij de auteur; de Commissie kan niet aansprakelijk worden gesteld voor het gebruik van de informatie die erin is vervat

The final act of the International conference H.O.M.E. (Houses for Open Mobility Exchange) with a public debate on informal artistic mobility, will take place on Friday 28th of January at 6.00 PM in Menza pri Koritu (Metelkova).

Guests from France, Sweden, Portugal and Belgium will participate in the event where we will also present the online platform that will allow for continuation and growth of the project.

Following the principles of ”couchsurfing” the Streetopia platform is opened to all artists who work in public space and want to perform abroad or organize their own events with foreign participants in their local environment.

Artists and creators of all countries welcome!

Je kan actief deelnemen aan Sacred Libraries. Wij zoeken mensen om in de bibliotheken voor te lezen of om muziek te spelen. Of je kan deelnemen aan een van de workshops gegeven door 5 Streetopians. Meer info: